Failed to import config file via InControl2's Firewall Rule

Device: PepWave MAX BR1 Mini (FW v7.1.0 build 2860)

When I get to the ‘Import Rule Set from Configuration File’ step, my downloaded configuration fails. The message ‘Error: failed to extract firewall rules from the configuration file.’ appears.

Below are the steps I took…

From Remote Web Admin:

  1. Add inbound firewall rules, then click save, then apply changes.
  2. Download configuration file (YYYYMMDD_mbr1_SN.conf).

From InControl2 Web Portal:

  1. Enable ‘Manage Firewall Rules on Balance and MAX devices’ at the ‘Group Level’ and click save.
  2. Select the ‘Import Rule Set from Configuration File’ button, then browsed to the config file.
  3. The below Error appears… so I select the ‘Close’ button.
  4. This brings me back to the Firewall Rules screen, showing ‘No data available’.

Please let me know how to resolve this issue. I would prefer to manage firewall rules by group policy rather than by device.


I import the config file successfully (please find the screenshot below). I suggest clicking the Feedback button (please find the screenshot below) to notify the InControl2 team on this.


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