F18 World Championships Case

Source: https://www.radiocom.dk/portfolio/f18-world-championships/

Formula 18

From 8 to 15 July 2017, F18 Worlds was held in Vallensbæk Harbor, just outside Copenhagen.

About Formula 18 World Championships

Formula18 (F18) are fast and colorful, catamarans that sail with spinnakers. The boats are built according to a set of rules, which allows manufacturers to design and compete on equal terms.

Formula 18 is a two-person catamaran built around a box rule. This box rule has resulted in many different designs. Many enthusiasts will recognize the Hobie Tiger, Hobie Wildcat and Nacra Infusion, but these are just a few of the many competitive designs. For the German championship, there were five different designs placed in the Top 10.

Formula 18 has a top speed of 25/30 knots (approx. 55 km / h). It goes without saying that it is a screaming experience and an exciting challenge.

The challenge

In connection with the event, the organizers (Vallensbæk Sailing Club) were to provide wireless internet to approx. 450 participants, as well as guests and visitors.

The challenge was the lack of infrastructure in the area; It is simply not possible to get more than one 10 Mbit wired ADSL connection.

Radiocom’s solution

Radiocom found a well-functioning solution to the challenge; Setting up Pepwave AP PRO DUO (IP67) Access Points in the field and installing Pepwave MAX HD4 LTE Advanced Routers and Captive Portal, which registered users and gave them access to the Internet for a limited period of time. In addition, a 100 Mbit 4G / LTE Advanced connection via SD-WAN Speedfusion Bonding.