Expired EssentialCare

Hi all, I just wanted to ask if do we really need to purchase the EssentialCare? We don’t need to use InControl, but I’m worried if SpeedFusion cant be used without EssentialCare. If that will be the case, next question is if we need to have SpeedFusion Bonding License Key for Balance 305 (BPL-305-SPF) in order to use the SpeedFusion Connect Usage Plans? Thank you for the inputs.

Welcome. :sunglasses:

BPL-305, without license just have two speedfusion connection.
You can buy a license to allow it go to 30 simultaneos speedfusion connections.

EssentialCare it is a warranty in case of issue with your device.

BPL-305-SPF - Enables up to 30 SpeedFusion peers for Balance 305


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Thank you for this. I really appreciate the immediate response.

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