Ethernet to USB adapter usage with Surf Soho Mk3

Im suddenly finding that my Surf Soho mark 3, running the last 8.3.0 firmware (in case that makes any difference) cant negotiate a connection with the modem it connects to over the ethernet WAN port. The modem is a standard issue Australian NBN box that shows the 4 solid lights indicating a solid connection to my ISP provider.

In troubleshooting i logged into the admin page to find that it repeatedly tries connecting the WAN before giving up with the message “unable to connect”. Ive confirmed that the modem is providing a working internet connection by connecting it to my other device. The fact i can also access the admin page without issue proves that the LAN ports are working fine. Therefore it appears that the ethernet WAN port is faulty in some way.

Im now interested to see if i can get around this failed ethernet WAN port by using the USB A WAN port instead. After consulting a 2017 FAQ in these forums about the use of ethernet to USB adapters, however, the instructions screenshpts posted by the Peplink staffer dont appear to have the same screens on this more recent firmware build. Ive dug through all the other menus to try and find this " secret settings" question mark which when clicked reveals a “Use USB WAN as ethernet” option, but to no success. Can someone tell me where this setting or its equivalent is in the latest 8.3.0 firmware?

Im planning to buy an ethernet to USB adapter soon to get this altenate wired connection setup of mine working, but i dont want to waste my money if its just not an option with my surf soho… Will it work?

Even if it does work and someone is able to give the instructions on which menu options i need to enable this “USB WAN as ethernet” setting through, what about my unique firewall and port blocking settings that ive currently got setup for WAN. Will these automatically translate to the USB WAN once i fet it working? Or will i need to recreate them for this different WAN type?

Other additional factors that may or may not be relevant:

  • i use an OpenVPN WAN client licence (bought for $20 USD about 2 yeara ago. Its a secondary priority connection under the basic WAN connection that aleays gets negotiated first before it tries to connect the Open VPN client
  • I have all Access Points turned off as i dont want any Wifi on for security reasons (must all be wired). Do i need to potentially actovate this to get the USB WAN access screens to show??

I look forward to any advice or help anyone can provide…


I don’t have Surf SoHo at this moment with me…
Please… at the dashboard of your device…
Go to Network > WAN
Can you see " mobile internet " ? I don’t remember exactly the words…
Select ( ? ) at the top right… and select to use USB Ethernet

You have a sample at this link

Thanks for the reply. It seems that the instructions on the provided FAQ link are applicable only to an old firmware version because following Network–> WAN isnt an option on 8.3.0 (the last update usable for the Surf Soho mark 3).

I dont doubt the option is still in there under some different menu options but does anyone know where?

I.e. the USB to ethernet dropdown

I have this old surf soho… but I don’t remember where I left it…

Let me try to check… and try to find it… so… I will test the USB Eth for you.


Hi, @Ash_M

I found it… give me few hours to test the USB ETh…


Hi Marcelo, thanks for going to the trouble of setting this up on you old surf soho. I too am running that most recent firmware.

Can you show the screens that you navigate to get to that working USB WAN scenario, because as i said before, the old instructions provided in the FAQ link weren’t appropriate for the drastically changed menu options in 8.3.0.

Even if you cant attach the screenshots can you give the menu link order i should click through to get it working.

Did you, as part of this process have to enable access points / Wifi? Ive got this off as i want maximal security and so only have wired connections…

Thanks in advance for any further tips

Hi, @Ash_M

Just connect the USB ETh and turn the device on.

Using usb eth from tp-link

Yes… I enable as client (WiFi WAN) the 2.4GHz and as AP the 5GHz (SSID PEPWAVE_B767)

Give me few hours… I am just checking the device…


Updating… (Fev/05/2025)

Found a device that think USB is a Mobile Internet…

Follow this…

Connect the USB Ethernet… wait few seconds…

Go to Dashboard > Network > Wan

Select the Mobile Internet.
Select ( ? ) and click where wrote here.
Rename the Mobile Internet for something… like USB ETh

Save and Apply
Apply Changes

Let me add that this is an old problem that many have experienced in the past, myself included. Let me suggest leaving the router on and power cycling the modem.
If that fails, try the reverse: turn both off, power on the modem, wait a few minutes, then power on the router.