EASILY geo'd and ident....BAL-ONE_build 5595.... WAN/VPN -.PRI_1 & all LAN/VLAN > VPN only

Hey family

Balance one same exact settings wan, lan, vlan, DNS, etc

5514 does not do this…what changed?

Thx all!

Anonymity is becoming a superpower…:grinning::thinking::alien::muscle::vulcan_salute::metal::clap:
This not what IBM intended this invention to turn into…one big ident tool. Now a WMD. Priv=fr33dom. And Thx a lot to those that added the auditor chip to all network’d MBs.

Can you ask this question in a different way please I don’t follow.
What is the B One doing now that it didn’t before?

Thx for response…sure I’ll reference the B ONE GUI.

When we were on Build 5514, all connections would use the VPN as the priority for eveything including DNS.

In the 5514 GUI: Status>Active Connections- WAN_1 always at 0. In a 5595 boot, WAN_1 always has connections active.

Why/what was changed between 5514 and 5595 that would activate WAN to not only accept an handshake, but connect?
