Does B-one support ipV6?

If I’m not mistaken, no Peplink devices support ipV6. But I’m hoping that someday they will.

Just a follow up. I found in the B-one manual a mention of enabling ipV6 and, sure enough, I found that same checkbox in my Balance 20x as well. So it seems that Peplink stealthily added ipV6 support!??!!

That option has been there for years. It is ipv6 pass through. Not IPv6 support. it just lets IPv6 packets transit from wired wan1 to the default vlan. Nothing else. You get no v6 firewall, or host support no routing etc.

I figured that out. I just didn’t remember even seeing ipV6 printed anywhere.
Also, I tried enabling it today on one of the balance 20x units and found that the router kept “failing” after a couple hours. Wifi would stay working (with a built-in cellular connection) but everything plugged in would stop connecting including the WAN connection. I couldn’t find a way to get it working again without rebooting.

Where are you seeing the checkbox for this?