Hi all,
I couldn’t find the right answer to my question. Sorry if the answer is there and I missed it.
I can’t reach my router’s IP address from the Internet. My IP starts with 25. Also, I can’t VPN (neither L2TP nor OpenVPN) to my local network due to this issue. Any help would be appreciated here.
P.S. routing mode is on NAT
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The cellular carriers all employ CGNAT (See: Carrier-grade NAT - Wikipedia ). Thus the IP address you see at your cellular modem’s WAN interface is not the public IP the Internet sees.
That NAT’ing is “one-way.” They don’t do any port-forwarding on the “incoming” side. Thus, even if you do discover the true public IP address (there are sites that will tell you): Attempting to connect to any port on it will be fruitless.
To complicate matters: AT&T, at least, sometimes (?) CGNATs to different public IPs, depending upon the protocol. I’ve seen it on my own server, where connecting to it with, say, HTTP/HTTPS and one of the email protocols (submission, imaps, etc.) shows connections coming from different public IPs.
Here’s another amusing thing I’ve discovered: One cellular carrier, at least, uses intermediate netblocks owned by others that aren’t currently in use or netblocks that are currently un-assigned by ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers - Wikipedia ) or IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - Wikipedia ). Or they used to, anyway. That threw me for a loop when they first started doing it. I all-of-a-sudden found my LTE router in new address space, did a “whois” on it and found the netblock was not assigned to anybody.
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@Hamed_Rezaei why do you need remote access? If its just for occasional access to a LAN device web interface then you could look at Peplink InTouch
@MartinLangmaid Thanks Martin. I have many devices in my lab that I need to access to from home. I use RDP, HTTP, and SSH to connect to them.
I tried speedfusion cloud but it seems I need to pay extra money to use this service which requires using corporate credit card which needs 1,2 weeks to get the approval. I need to access my devices asap. Thank you!
Hi Martin!
I am still having issues with connecting to my devices from outside world. I am looking for something like a PPTP connection that gives me access to all my devices behind the Peplink router. Intouch service that you suggested won’t work for me because I am having various services (not just web server) running inside my network. Can you please help me on this?
@MartinLangmaid has a short description of a solution to this: remote-connection-to-device.
On the fusionhub you configure Remote User Access and select the connection protocol (L2TP with IPSec, PPTP or OpenVPN).
If you need assistance in setting up a fusionhub solo then he has provided specific guidance for how to do that on vultr.com ($6/month). My personal favorite is UpCloud ($5/month).
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