Custom Email Notification text

Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering, if it is possible to customize the contents of the Email Notifications, so that I can place my own text for each notification scenario.

As far as I know, the actual text is predefined, but i would like to modify the Mail Subject as well as the Mail Body for the following reason:

We currently manage about 100 Pepwave Max HD2 routers and therefore have multiple people responsible for those. We would like to automize the creation of tickets in our ITSM Software (Omnitracker) and for that custom Emails would come in quite handy.

We can automatically generate tickets from inbound Emails - but they will all end up at a single point of contact. Now for those tickets to be dispatched correctly, I would like to add to the Email, which group or which people are responsible - maybe even with a short description with the workflow, so everyone nows, whats to do.

Would it be possible, to just add the option to replace the default mails with the contents of a custom text - preferrably via the Incontrol notification settings?

Thanks in Advance

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