Getting a lot of requests and questions from our partners lately regarding converting config file between models.
Partner would like to upgrade existing networks with newer models because they are newer and faster alternatives for the older models.
Examples from some of the requests I got:
Balance 380 > Balance 380x
Balance 210 > Balance 310x
Balance 380 > Balance 310x
Balance One > Balance 20x
Balance One Core > Balance 380x
MFA-500 > Balance 380x
HD4 > BR2 Pro
BR1 MK2 > BR1 mini
and a couple more…
We have the “Balance config converter” on the partner portal, but its not able to convert to newer models and it doesn’t work with the latest firmware (8.4.0).
Before 8.3.0 I had my own script to convert configs to models that where not supported with the “Balance config converter”, so I kind of know the why some models are not supported as it will break some settings that are depending on WAN, LAN and AP and might brick a router as I almost did when testing it.
The configs got encrypted on 8.3.0 and later, so my script doesn’t work anymore
I know that with incontrol2 we can at least import the outbound Policy’s, Firewall Rules and Grouped Networks, but some partners don’t want to use InControl2.
I really hope to see a updated version of the “Balance config converter” so we can convert config to newer models and don’t have to configure them by hand.
Maybe with an additional option to choose which WAN is suppose to be replacing the WAN on the old model to avoid problems with WAN specific settings in the config.
Alternatively if you could make the configs universal so they can be uploaded between models and maybe have the option to only import certain settings that would also solve it.
Hopefully I gave some good suggestions/ideas.
Thanks for reading.
Many users look for a text or csv type configuration file so they can easily change settings as well as move configurations from one device to another even if they need to do some modifications for a different model. Without that being available, a configuration conversion utility is the next best thing and would make the Peplink product line more appealing since deploying upgrades would be far easier. A MAX series conversion utility would also be extremely useful.
Yes. Absolutely! This is a request that has shown up in numerous Forum threads and countless conversations and e-mail exchanges. There are soooo many reasons why we must make upgrading painless. And, any such barriers should be eliminated.
Looking ahead, I’ll add another requirement. When the “SOHO replacement” device hits the streets in the near future we’ll need to convert SOHO configs to the new product. And, many SOHO owners will rely on Partners to do this for them. (We certainly will, because that’s what we do and we do not want to be confused with the Peplink retailers/Partners who have a huge “web” presence. But it will be painful.)
I am in 100% agreement, a config converter is something that would be fantastic for all types of businesses using PEPLINK products!
For instance, we usually have a time inefficiency when having to substitute a PEPWAVE with a different model if we are lacking for a particular model in stock. This becomes more problematic the more complex the network setup is - setting up the config, documentation and testing for a HD4 is much easier than a Balance and 2 x Transit Duos.
I’ll throw my hat in the ring on this as well. Need to have an effective convertor tool, but also need the ability to download plain-text config files. Plain text configs have bailed me out many times over the years with enterprise routers.
I would also like to see this. In addition a config viewer for the backups held in InControl would be invaluable. All we have is timestamps, I never feel comfortable applying these as I don’t really have full knowledge of what changes they will cause.