Contact Peplink with feedback on manuals and documenation

Is there a way to contact Peplink with feedback about the manuals, documentation and/or web UI?

For example: in the Surf SOHO manual for Firmware 8.0.1 dated September 2019, page 15 refers to connecting to a Balance router rather than Surf SOHO. It also has the wrong initial default IP address for the router

On another topic: the web UI for firmware 7 and 8 has a labeling error with regard to DDNS. I have used two different DDNS providers. Each has a userid, password and email address associated with the account. The web UI field “Email” is not where you enter the email address for these two companies, instead it is where you enter their userid.


Thank you very much for your feedback.

I have already reflected these to our manual team. They will update the manual accordingly. In the future, if you could figure out some point of improvement of the manual, please feel free to write a post here or email us at [email protected].


We updated the SOHO manual, please check > here < (page 15). Thanks~

You are referring to ? I just done a quick test both email & userid can use for the DDNS update.


Base on the guide, email address need to configure for the username.
How to Configure DDNS (Dynamic DNS) in a Router | Support | No-IP Knowledge Base


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Yes, I was referring to Also referring to DynDNS.

Interesting that No-ip is inconsistent in their own doc. They name the field “username” but tell you to enter your email address. Their system gives a customer both a username and an email and they are different things. Ugh.

I can confirm what @sitloongs said is correct. We have dozens of “no-ip” clients and we use userid and e-mail address interchangeably. And, yes, no-ip’s documentation is not real clear about that.


With the update to 8.1.1 user manual, this update got lost! It has reverted to showing the BALANCE router!