Connecting to Web Server

I have a MAX BR1 operating on Verizon 4G LTE.

I have set up an Inbound Firewall Rule that is suppose to re-direct Port 8888 to a local address - Port 80 where the web server is located. When I open a browser, enter the public address is the MAX BR1:8888, the browser returns a message “Cannot be found”. What am I doing incorrectly?

Hi, welcome to the forum.

I suspect your Verizon sim is giving you a private IP address. If you look at the details of the connection does it have an IP starting with 10.x.x.x shown there?

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The IP address is a 166 network address – very public. I can make other connections to a device beyond the MAX BR1 using HW-VSP. For example, the HW-VSP program creates a Serial over IP connection. In the Port Forwarding section of the MAX BR1, I have External Port 50000 mapped to Internal Port 41000 on the same device that is running the web server. It works. I just cannot use the external address ( to connect and re-direct to the LAN address:80 on the other side of the MAX BR1. Very frustrating


I see. The device web admin is on port 80 by default. I’d try moving that to something else to see if port forwarding then works.

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It does not appear the web admin tool for the Peplink can be changed from Port 80.

I have been a Port Forwarding Rule that says the incoming IP Address:9080 should be forwarded to the web server on my other device ( I have also create a Firewall Access Rule that does the same thing. Neither work. When I attempt to make a connection with my web browser, I get a return message “Can’t reach this page”.

I am stumped


I can take a look for you if you like.

Web admin port is changed on the device here:

Or you can change it from IC2 like this:

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If I understand correctly, you know how to do port forwarding and that using different ports, the forwarding works. Some suggestions:

From a LAN side device can you get to the desired web server? That is, first insure the LAN component is working.

If possible, change the LAN side web server not to use port 80.

Set up logging of all your port forwarding rules. This will show whether the router is actually receiving the incoming requests from the Internet or if the ISP is messing with things. First use the existing port forwarding to see what the logged data looks like, then test the bad one. If nothing else, this can serve as an audit log of the forwarded port.

If all else fails, have the router trace every bit and byte using the support.cgi web page. This pcap will really show if the router is in fact receiving the incoming requests on the port. In this case, you will need to look at both the WAN and the LAN pcaps. At one point I was getting strange results with port 53 and this pcap trace showed the router was never getting the request, an ISP was intercepting it

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Yes, I can bring up the web server direct from the LAN side. Works first time, every time. If I enter the Peplink’s address (, the return message is “Address cannot be found”.

If I go to the Internet and use the Peplink’s , I get a message the “Address cannot be found”.

When I check the Event Log, there is no evidence the attempt has gotten through to the Peplink and was rejected.

I do fear Verizon Wireless (the carrier) is blocking the port.


Worked on this with Paul. Added a new port forwarding rule. moved web admin away from default ports and it all came right.


Well done. Always best not to use the default ports anyway.