Peplink can use X.509 certificates for authentication on both SpeedFusion and IPSEC VPNs. The first step in using certificate authentication is working with your certificate authority to generate a private key and signed certificate for the Peplink device. The key and certificate must be encoded in PEM format. After obtaining the files you can begin installation within the Peplink web interface.
Go to Network > Misc Settings > Certificate Manager to begin the certificate installation
We need to import the certificate into Speedfusion/IPSEC VPN
Click Assign for the VPN certificate. Paste in your private key and signed certificate.
Click Save and Apply Changes to complete the certificate import.
(A) Example of X.509 certificate application - IPsec VPN profile with X.509
To perform X.509 IPSEC VPN connection to the remote IPsec peer, configure it here
(B) Example of X.509 certificate application -PepVPN/SpeedFusion profile with X.509
To perform X.509 PepVPN/SpeedFusion connection to the remote peer, configure it here