Configure options for Reports

A very good day to all,

Is there a way you can configure your reports before they are send?

We have 7 Pushvessels with Peplink Balance 20x on it

the idea is that they receive an email every day with the used wifi data
And we would like to send the daily usage but also the daily usaged counted up every day

Thank you for your time and effort guys

when you wrote “the idea is that they receive …” who is “they”?

We have 7 pushvessels
we would like to inform the captain what the wifi usage is daily and also what it is every day of the month +1

so the first of august + the second of august ( As an example) etc etc

Hi there!

The easiest is to add individual groups for each of your vessels, then add captains as group users (Inside InControl2 that is).

Then proceed to Report E-mailing and setup reports,

You can also setup other notifications under notifications profiles.

Goodmorning Captain,
but i would like to change/tweak the reports before they are send

For example the "Top client device manufacturers "has no value for me so i would like to take that out of the reports

so i can show only the data i want to show to the Captain


If you’re wanting to manipulate the data given - currently you would have to export those reports yourself then in IC2 and download the CSV file.

The automated reports come in PDF format (as you may have discovered) and not CSV.

It would be great to have report emailing done in a custom format, and custom output - so worth putting into a Feature Request! If I have missed this as an option, I hope someone will correct me!

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Maby you can add your ideas to it also