Comcast modem or sb6141 compatible with Pepwave surf?

Can not get a internet connection with pepwave surf MK3 through a SB6141
modem on a Comcast net work. I have tried everything I found on the discussion board
and a few more. Maybe I should by another modem?

I did have the Pepwave hooked up to a SB6580 modem/router and was getting 1/10 the speed and lots of dropped connections. That is when I got the sb6141.

Is Pepwave and COMCAST incompatible? Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

Hi. There are certainly no “compatibility” issues between Pepwave/Peplink and Comcast. However, we’ve found Motorola/Arris modems to be a huge problem – as you may have discovered via a search in the Forum.

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Yes I did. Is there another modem you would recommend?

Funny or odd, Comcast supplies their modems and they are made by Arris.

Sure they do. Because they work well on the DOCSIS side of the box. The ethernet “side” is not Comcast’s responsibility. We’ve found much cheaper modems, e.g., TP-Link, to work fine.

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Thanks for the suggestion.

web says sb6141 not compatible with comcast

We had two of them in use for a couple of years with Comcast. They’re standard DOCSIS modems. Comcast does not want them on the system now as they are incapable of supporting their highest speeds. Restated: You can’t buy their higher tier services if you use this modem. It’s all about $$$.

was just going by this