Client VPN failed on the second WAN

Hi team,

We are working well with the Peplink 580 on two ISP line (WAN 4 and WAN 5). But the client VPN just connected well with only WAN 4.
The Client VPN with WAN 5 have error: “The network connection between your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the nemote server is not responding…”

I got this kind of message for the last years, and try traceroute between endpoints, packet sniffer and other things, but not explain.

Checked public ip for both sides and also try changing tcp/udp ports.
I have twenty two devices moving bettwen states and cities.

So… The only solution I able to find, to solve this, was using more ISPs, between remote points and the Headquarter.

My conclusion? Some network/route (BGP,OSPF,RIP,etc…) between the remote point and the HQ affect the connectivy between the two points.