Changing balance20 subnet causes 100% cpu and not responsive

I needed more IPs so I changed my network to My Windows 2012R2 is my DHCP server and all seems to be working except my Balance20. When I configure the network on the Peplink to subnet mask of, cpu goes to 100% and then it can’t be reached. Only way to access it is to reboot and quickly change it back to before it becomes unresponsive again. I tried this a few months ago and got nowhere. I’m back to tackling it again but striking out again. I’m on the latest firmware. If this was a bug I would have hoped it would have been resolved. Any ideas?

Did you change the subnet mask on the DHCP server before changing it on the Balance 20?

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It sounds like you have both the Balance 20 and Windows Server trying to handle DHCP in your post. If Windows 2012 is handling DHCP you will need to disable to DHCP server on the Balance.

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I’ve been using the Balance20 for about 2 years and the DHCP has been off since day one.

Yes, I changed it on my Windows DHCP server first.

One thing I haven’t done is let it run at 100% for a long time. Once it becomes unresponsive, I reboot and attempt to reset the subnet mask back to This can take several tries since it quickly becomes unresponsive after rebooting. I can usually make the change and “save” the settings but I don’t always get the option to “Apply Changes” before it becomes unresponsive. I have not let it run for an extended period of time (hours) to see if it will settle down and work correctly. I’m about ready to toss it out the window and look for an alternative.


This can be related to LAN traffics hitting to the B20 after changing the subnet.

Any reason why you need to change subnet from to ? You have LAN devices exceeded 254 hosts ? Just for your info, B20 is recommended for less than 60 users (Recommendation for sizing purposes only. No software restrictions applied). Would you able to confirm ?

Please open a support ticket for support team to check if you still having the same issue.

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