Cellular connection drop after 30 min in teams calls only

I have this strange issue with my MAX BR1 router connected to 5G cellular (Pepwave MAX BR1 Pro 5G). Connection is really stable overall with all sorts of activity, however when in teams calls I drops after like 30 minutes. I now had this multiple times. In the event log you only see: "WAN: Cellular (Priority 1) disconnected in SIM slot A".

I have 2 sims in there but only using the 1 in slot 1. I have no specific firewall rules or anything like that setup. I’m on 8.3.0 build 5229. No VPN’s. All out of the box set-up.

You could use wifi wan on the BR1 to connect to your smartphone wifi hotspot and use bonding over SpeedFusion Connect- which is especially useful if your phone is on a different operator network than the SIM in the BR1.

What else is there in the event log? Do you see any health check failures?

Thanks! Will give that a try tomorrow. Could be useful as a backup indeed when it happens again.

I do have another sim from another provider I will test tomorrow to see if it’s provider related or not.

I had an occasional health check failure a while ago but not at the moment it disconnects now. Just the log message I shared. I’ve been streaming all evening without any disconnect. It only happens with video calling.

are you on latest modem releases?

Yes, I’m on 8.3.0 build 5229

thats the device firmware not modem

Then I’m not sure what you are referring to. I only have the Peplink device, no separate modem attached.

But, so far it’s the SIM of the 2nd provider I had 0 issues during calls. So it looks like it’s provider related. I’ll keep testing today and of 2nd SIM stays online I’ll move to that provider permanently.

view support.cgi page, check modem versions, update to latest. plenty of resources on this forum.

Got it! Thanks. Managed to check and modem is updated to latest version as well. So I guess I can close this issue as it’s provider related and not Peplink. Thanks for the support though!

Guess I was to fast on my conclusion that is was provider related. It’s now also happening with the 2nd provider :-(. Same message in the event log: “WAN: Cellular (Priority 1) disconnected in SIM slot B”).

Again, connection was stable from end of day yesterday till now, about 30 minutes (27 to be exact) in a Microsoft Teams call (first call since yesterday).

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue?