Can't log into

I am currently unable to log into from my home network - all machines (4 - XP, Win 7, Win 8, all browsers, with AV switched off). I power-cycled the Comcast cable modem.

I assume it must be the router.

I made no changes to my Balance One settings to cause this. Can anyone suggest where to begin trouble shooting?

It sounds like the default https persistence rule may have been modified or deleted. It might be easiest to factory reset it and start over.

Well, it is definitely something odd with the Balance One. I did a factory reset without improvement.

The Balance One is configured with Comcast as Wan1 and Verizon DSL as Wan2.

When I enable Wan2 (Verizon DSL), I can log in to When I enable Wan1 (Comcast cable modem), times out every time after an attempted log in.

When I connect the computer I am using directly to the Comcast cable modem, I am able to log in to

So I conclude that the Balance One Wan1 DHCP settings are causing the log in to time out.

Can anyone suggest any settings I could alter to fix this?


Base on the issue description, we suspect this may related to the session load balance issue whereby some web sessions requires WAN persistent connections.

Can you please provide the below test results for us to identify the issue ?

Test Case:

  1. PC –> Balance One –> Comcast as Wan1 –>
  • Can you access with only Comcast WAN connected to Balance One ?
  1. PC –> Balance One –> Verizon as Wan2 –>
  • Can you access with only Verizon WAN connected to Balance One ?
  1. PC –> Balance One –> Verizon as Wan2 & Comcast as Wan1 –>
  • Can you access when both Verizon & Comcast WANs connected to Balance One ?

Thank You

Just another reason why Peplink should give an example of Outbound and Firewall settings instead of the responses that have been given on this forum.

Just to be clear, it is not that I cannot reach, it is that doesn’t serve account information pages after logon. I see that there are a lot of “Outbound Policy” settings that the manual states are relevant to persistence, but since I am not configured using link load balancing and Verizon WAN sits on cold standby all of the time while all connections are made through Comcast WAN, these settings do not seem applicable to the problem I am experiencing. Also, I am using Firmware 6.3.0 and had switched from the beta as soon as the production version was available, which I think was before the first of the year.

Please help to open ticket for us to take closer look. We also need your help to prepare the testing PC which connected to Balance One with RDP (TeamViewer, Ammyy and etc…) access.

Thank you.

No problem - I can prepare a virgin Win 7 machine for you to RDP to, if need be. All machines on the LAN are affected, not just one.

No problem. As long as we can replicate the problem on that PC then will be fine. Thanks.