Business Question: Setting up a DC

I’m brainstorming some ideas about using a FusionHub or SDX in a data center to service multiple single-site customers. By hosting a FusionHub or SDX in a data center, I could implement various SpeedFusion solutions. However, I’m concerned about investing in a hub and then facing challenges with future upgrades because of poor design.

I currently have an unused /24 from ARIN and am considering the best way to utilize it. Would it be wise to deploy a Cisco-type router to manage BGP with the transit provider, and then place my FusionHubs and SDXs behind it, giving them /30 subnets? Would this approach allow for the most efficient use of my IP addresses? What have others done I’m wondering.

That is the way yes.

Separating the roles out gives you the most versatility. It means you can have great big FusionHubs / Physical appliances or tiny Fusionhubs - sized correctly for the customer requirement. With the freedom to add / remove as needed.

Then you can sit something super compatible for BGP / firewall and general routing in front (or beside) that to manage the IP addressing / announcements.

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Thanks Martin! I think it’s time I buy a used BGP-router, switch, and ESXi server (for Fusionhub) for my lab. While I’m on the subject do you like ESXi for many Fusionhubs?