BR1 Mini (HW3) vs BR1 Mini

(1) Ethernet Interface & Throughtput

The BR1 Mini (HW3) comes with 3 x Gigabit Ethernet ports offering a faster speed with improved overall throughput.

(2) Wi-Fi

The upgrade in Wi-Fi capabilities from Wi-Fi 4 to 5 supports concurrent dual-band mode. This allows clients to use the 2.4 GHz band for basic needs such as web surfing and the Internet of Things (IoT), and the 5 GHz band for bandwidth-demanding applications.

(3) Power Input Option

To keep your power source more secure, the coaxial power connector is replaced by the Micro-Fit industrial connector, making the BR1 Mini HW3 perfect for transportation and on-the-go mobile deployments.

BR1 Mini (HW3) BR1 Mini
Quick Look
Router Throughput 300Mbps 100Mbps
PepVPN Throughput (No Encryption) 80Mbps 40Mbps
PepVPN Throughput (256-bit AES) 20Mbps / 60Mbps* 20Mbps
Ethernet WAN 0 / 1 (GE) * 0 /1 (FE) @
Ethernet Speeds 3x 1000M 2x 100M
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 5 Wi-Fi 4
Power Input
4pin Molex Micro-Fit Connector Yes No
Coaxial power connector No Yes
Power over Ethernet 802.3at PoE Passive PoE
Ignition Sensing Yes ^ No
Wi-Fi WAN Yes ^ Yes @
Hot Failover Yes ^ Yes @
WAN Smoothing Yes ^ Yes @

^ Available with a feature pack add-on license MAX-BR1-MINI-LC-FP
@ Available with add-on-license MAX-BR1-MINI-LC-FS
*Requires a PrimeCare Subscription, complimentary for the first year