Bought a Balance 30 Pro, confused about the possible peformance

Hi all,

We had an option to upgrade from VDSL to Fiber in our office, we use the Balance 30 Pro.

On the data sheet it says 2x GE WAN, and 400Mbps Stateful Firewall Throughput.

What is the point of Gbit WAN port’s, even 2. If Gigabit isn’t routable, even when not using firewall features.

Or am looking wrong at our Balance 30 Pro.

Got stuck with this thought after seeing 380down/360up after our fiber upgrade.

You need a faster Peplink for a connection above 400Mbps. The used chip cannot handle more. And as there is no Ethernet standard for 400Mbps, anything that can do more than 100Mbps has a Gigabit physical port. This is not unique to Peplink.

Depending on the other features you need, you might take a look at the Balance 20X, which supports 900Mbps Stateful Firewall Throughput.

Thank you for the explanation, makes sense.

B20X is wonderful. I have three units currently. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another when/if needed.

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