Both BR1 Mini & HD only 3-5Mbps on ATT LTE

I want to see if the range and through put I’m getting on here onboard with both my Mini & HD acceptable, to me it seems poor. I have got both the latest firmware and cell updates, this made no difference, tried a a few different bands and no change. Both units perform similarly but seem to have no better performance than an iPhone when it comes to range or speed. Here’s the signal strength on the mini.


Your signal is great and obviously it is not hardware related so it seems like this is the best the carrier can/will provide from this tower/location. Thanks

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No LTE-A in that area or you would see it indicated plus two bands in use with double the data rate you are currently getting.

Again, I wish Peplink would build in a speed test so we could test internally with nothing down stream of the unit…

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