BGP over speedfusion PepVPN

Hi all,
we are testing with setting up bgp. I noticed that there is only the possibility to select a (physical) interface in the BGP profile. I was wondering if it’s possible to select the speedfusion tunnel that’s already configured.
Kind of similar as you would do a ping test, there you can also select the PepVPN as source connection.


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Do you have more info to share for your request ? Any reason why you need the BGP route for PepVPN ?


I think that overall, lots of users want to use the speedfusion tunnel as a virtual WAN connection. Same as here we would like to see it in the list of WAN for BGP, we would like to see in the list of possibilities in the weighted balance, fastest response algorithms or for ipsec tunnel creation etc…

Reason is that we can define boundaries in the behavior and characteristics of this speedfusion tunnel/WAN and that can be very useful.

Bram, do you confirm?


@Venn that’s indeed what I mean.

I am just hitting this limitation as well- and its a really big deal in some scenarios.

If an SDWAN is setup to connect multiple sites, with firewalls at each site, it would be not an uncommon design decision to run BGP between the firewalls for more granular route control (particularly with default routes).

If we then want to introduce a site without a firewall (balance or fusionhub)… we’re pretty stuck.

Peplink team: has any progress been added on BGP over speedfusion? I’m in a critical need for this, and it doesn’t appear to have ever been added yet.