Bandwidth limitation Lab - not working - false reporting of IC2 or mis-measure of the router

Hi team,

I have a fiber link subscription for 20Mbps in download and 4Mbps in upload. When i look on my Bandwidth usage report some times i see consomption for more than 20Mbps in download (see pic below). I tried group limitation everyone in Staf with 18Mbps in download and 3Mbps in upload but i think it’s not working.

Is it a mis-measure of the router or a false reporting of Incontrol2 or our provider failed to limit us at 20/4Mbps ?

Hello, Rudy.
About Traffic Shaping: What is Traffic Shaping (Packet Shaping)?.
In my opinion, your ISP uses traffic shaping, but part of the data traffic exceeds the configured limits, due to the way the algorithm works. The IC2, based on WAN data sampling, can collect data spikes.

Hello MarceloBarros,

Thanks for your answear.

I was thinking that like with other router solution, when i will enable group limitation for everyone the peplink router would dropped packets to avoid bandwidth exceedence.

I am not a Peplink engineer… but I belive:

  • "… hold these specific packets inside a temporary queue until a certain bandwidth limit has been reached… "