Balance One / One Core End Of Life

Balance One and One Core are End Of Life.
Is there a new product to replace ?
20X doesn’t have second real Ethernet port
Also 5 Wan licence was very nice for multiple DSL lines

A bit disapointed by this news…

I didn’t know it is EoL.
Where has that news come from?

pricelist from FrontierBV

and I note that is no more present on estore

I’m with @MartinLangmaid on this. I will say both models show on our distributor’s price list dated just today. But, importantly, this does not mean any are in stock. Partners do not receive notice of such matters.

And, I think (subject to confirmation or refutation by other Partners), that HW3 of the B20X will support a forthcoming SFP module which will provide a “real” ethernet port. [Tried to find a reference in the Forum but gave up trying …]

What’s your thoughts on using the vwan license for a "real ethernet wan port?

One Core : 399€ / InControl2 (1 year): 29€
20X + VWAN licence : 649€ / primecare (1 year): 49€

for sure 20X has better performance but when you don’t need it…

Hi @Jonathan_Pitts . I’d really, really like to see a different approach taken. I’d rather see a LAN port “converted” to WAN and enabled via GUI. I don’t know if this is possible considering hardware architecture however.

whats the difference between the virtual wan license and a LAN port being converted to WAN and enabled via GUI?

Maybe a Balance Three in the near term?

For future growth, time for 10GB ports across the board, and increased throughput capability. Coupled with some 6E APs.

Are there any other options for a dual WAN router at the same price point?

here :

not EOL but “legacy”

replacement is B20X…