Balance One Core - Firmware update with new SSL


I have a Balance One Core with Firmware 8.2.1 build 5372. The SSL cert expires in two weeks. Will there be a new firmware with a new SSL certificate?


Can any Peplink reps let me know if there will be a new firmware update for the Balance One Core with an updated SSL cert for the captive portal? The current cert expires on 11/29.

The new certificates will be in 8.3.0 which is in beta right now. I’m sure it will be scheduled for production release before the certificate expires.

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Hi Paul. Actually, it’s a little bigger issue than that (well, in some situations.) We are still supporting many Peplink devices that cannot receive 8.3.0. From what we’ve seen the maintenance releases have not included updates SSL certs.

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This is always the conundrum… peplink could issue the private key/public cert and we would put it in by hand… Their maint releases should update the cert. it is the least they could do. Perhaps they will release it by ticket to partners?.

if you used your own Then one would be in control of its yearly update and release. I will take a look at the fusionhub. I remember analyzing the boot sequence and it was obfuscated, but that the boot key had to be in the .ova/


One example: We have a customer who has a B20 HW3 (among other Peplink devices) – older but which is well fitted to the very moderate demands placed on it. He is unable to monitor it with iOS Router Utility because the cert has expired. No captive portal in use. The last FW issued for this device was 8.1.X and the more recent versions are NA to this HW version. Maintenance releases have not updated the cert.

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For your particular customer’s case all that needs to be in place is a currently valid certificate for the web admin SSL. It doesn’t have to be the cert.

I just replaced an old 8.1.1 FusionHub cert with one of my Lets Encrypt certs and the error in the iOS router utility went away. I suspect that a self signed cert would also work, but I didn’t test that.


Thanks for reminding me of that, Paul. The “captive-portal” cert is not the “right” one anyway. It seems to me we had difficulties installing the certs when we tried many months ago. We should revisit that. “Something else to do.” (Of course, we could also sell 'em a new router … ;<) )

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I guess the answer is no. Peplink has yet to provide firmware with a new SSL certificate…

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@swc-it, you may load this “maintenance” firmware that is based on 8.2.1GA with updated device certs.

Firmware 8.2.1s183 for Balance One Core download link.


@WeiMing : Is Peplink going to produce maintenance “s” FW for other devices that are EOL e.g., earlier B20s? - Rick

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Thanks @WeiMing! Where can I find these maintenance releases in the future? The firmware check in the device isn’t finding it & I’m not seeing it on the PepLink website (