Balance/MAX/Surf SOHO Firmware 7.1.1 RC2 & SD-Switch Firmware 1.1.2 Beta 1

  • Balance/MAX/Surf SOHO Firmware 7.1.1 is now in RC2. The main difference between RC1 and RC2 is that BGP support is now included as standard rather than as an add-on. this Firmware will become GA in around one week’s time. Here are the Release Notes.

  • SD-Switch Firmware 1.1.2 Beta 1 is also available! In this Firmware, we’ve added support for port mirroring as well as port access control. Here are the Release Notes.

    Download Here!


Can you confirm that 7.1.1 is not compatible with Balance 20, HW2?

And, a respectful suggestion: On this page,, you may wish to change the Second column title from “Hareware Revision” to “Hardware Revision.”

Thank you for pointing out the typo. It has been fixed.

Regarding the B20 HW2, 7.1.1 should work with B20 HW1-6, and they have been added to the list.


How does one report regressions? If I remember correctly, the negotiated speed and duplex for Ethernet ports was shown via a “mouse over” in 7.1, but not 7.1.1 RC1 or RC2. (Balance One HW3 if it matters.)

Not sure whether we are on the same page. Anyway, you need to click on the port then only can show the port status. I tested on v7.1.0.

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You’re right. I thought this was a mouseover previously, but I was mistaken. Sorry for the noise.