Balance 380 screen is all bars

I purchased this unit online almost 2 years ago; It is dead and I do not know how to force a reset without the screen working. Any ideas? Thank you.

Are you able to login to the web interface?
Have you tried a console connection?
We are a peplink partner, if you want to PM me the s/n I can check the warranty status.

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Please stop opening multiple topics for the same issue, I have replied here to try and help you.
Here are two other articles you can review, if they don’t help then open a peplink support ticket.

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Hello, I respect your intent to keep the forum organized; I revisit this issue when I am back in Kuwait and didn’t track prior posts. I will be more careful in the future.

Were you ab le to get a connection via the console port?

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I put the 380 X firmware on a USB and put it in…I hope it is updating


That was the only option. Can the USB drive be windows FAT32 ?

Do you have a usb keyboard attached in addition to the console cable?
You should be able to then press the space bar button.
Make sure you are not using the 380X firmware.
The 380x and the 380 are different models.

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FYI I don’t know any official documentation on upgrading the unit via usb.
I would next try to power cycle the unit with the console and a usb keyboard attached.
You might be able to select a different firmware to boot from on the boot menu that is shown on the console port.

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Hello @chrisnia,
This issue can typically not get fixed in the field; several things can cause this.

The best option here is to now raise a Support Ticket with Peplink and book it in for service. If it is out of warranty, then you will need to cover the service fee; Peplink can work with your local partner on the costs for that.

Once you have your support case open with Peplink, please replay here stating the ticket #.
Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:

Thank you for your input; we work in the Middle East; there is no local partner in the context of a “partner” . I would use the unit as a bookend before dealing with local commercial practices. Partners and agents in this reason spend time and money to take the representation of a manufacturer to essentially profiteer with little added benefit or value. There are merely intermediaries in profit.

I’m sorry you have no partner to support you.
We are a peplink partner in the USA and even tho you didn’t buy from us, we will do out best to support you on this forum.
Did you try with the console connection and press f1 or space on the keyboard to see if it moves forward?

Is it possible for you to power the unit off and then back on with the console attached and record a video and then share a link to the video of the console output?

I was working on the 380 last night; I the console conenction and putty but no response. Yet when I restarted the Balance 380 and disconnected a fan (to replace it) that allowed the keyboard to access F1 and I was able to reinstall the firmware (version 5.X.X) I since then updated to 8.x.x firmware and it s fully operational. This CMOS battery failure and the effects it are serious enough that I am buying a button cell eliminator going to use qty (2) AAA 1.5 volt lithium ion batteries in a twin pack Energizer Ultimate Lithium™ AA and AAA last up to 20 years in storage,


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Good job , I’m glad you were able to get it to boot up.

Thank you Jonathan, I was very happy to get it running again,