Balance 305 hw1

I have router balance 305 HW1 firmware 6.3.4 working perfect but when the vpn traffic is high the cpu working 100 % and vpn down, please some help about this


Would you able to describe more on “VPN traffics is high” ? What is the average VPN throughput that you see when the CPU working at 100% ?

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Thanks, the problem describe below
The cpu working 100% when traffic lan to wan is high and multiples connections for ip.

We suspect the VPN traffic load reached the supported limit since this Balance 305 is an old hardware. This is the reason @sitloongs asks for the info below:

Please provide the VPN throughput that you see when the CPU working at 100% at Status > SpeedFusion.

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The wan traffic is 75/75 MB up and down but the VPN is Ipsec site to site, when 1 IP address in the local network open simultaneous connections CPU working 100% and after that the vpn site to site is down, But when cpu return between 50-70 % the VPN connection up again.


Please provide the screenshot for real-time usage (Status → Usage Reports → Real-time) when you see 100% CPU usage. That will help us to conclude whether this is related to old b305 hardware limit issue. If it’s related to old hardware limitation, then you may consider to perform hardware refresh for the old hardware.