Balance 20x ramdon reboots.

Since two days ago, my Balance 20X started rebooting without any logs to trace the issue.
It was on 8.4.0 and stable for more than 6 days (got it used from eBay), and now it can’t be online for more than 24 hours. I did upgraded it to 8.4.1 beta3 hoping to mitigate the issue, didn’t work.

How can I trace down the issue?
Maybe going back to 8.3.0?

I doubt a regression to FW 8.3.0 will be helpful; this does nto smell like a firmware issue. My first suspect would be your power supply. I’d recommend testing it under load with a “Y” cable. Alternatively, if you have a spare wall wart with the proper rating, you could try that.

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Thanks for the feedback.
I have an older Balance 20 (a friend decommissioned it and gave it to me, the reason I went with Peplink), will that power supply work with 20x ?
I’ll compare the specs and will try it!

Depends on the exact parameters of the other one. The answer is “likely yes” but without a lot of “head room.” The voltage is the same.

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