Balance 20X - Fusionhub Solo and Livestreaming

I would like to express my appreciation for the Balance 20X device you made which has been fantastic in managing my two asymmetric connections with very varying speeds. Overall, I am pleased with the performance of the device and wanted to thank you for your assistance in advance.

My two WANs:

  1. Starlink (between 250mb and 300mb downstream and 20-25mb upstream)

  2. The only DSL service in my country offers 10mb downstream and 1-4mb upstream, but it’s stable.

I am currently using fusionhub-solo on vultr.

When working or playing video games, everything works great with both in priority 1, using dwb, and WAN smoothing activated on normal.

The problem is when I start doing live streaming where it demands constant speeds, when I check the Speedfusion VPN status it shows that my second - DSL connection goes up to 3000ms latency until it disconnects by itself and starlink stays at relatively normal latency levels.

I would like to know if I am missing something, if there is some configuration to avoid this problem, or how I could exclude obs/twitch traffic to use speedfusion and only Starlink.

I saw similar posts on Reddit, but no one responded with a solution. So, I am posting this here as a future reference.

As a networking hobbyist, my knowledge is very basic and limited. Excuse any ignorance on my part.


Without livestreaming

The problem is the WAN smoothing sends packets down both links. You are seeing that your twitch stream is too much for your DSL uplink.

What you probably want to do is create a second tunnel for this traffic, and just use bonding with or without FEC and then use some outbound policy rules to send the traffic to your FusionHub via the second tunnel.

I use the following settings:

SF Tunnel to Vultr
#1 (default) Wan smoothing + FEC (both medium) Both WAN.
#2 No smoothing+ FEC low (or off) for max data transfer Both Wan.

Outbound Policy:

Uplink dependent traffic (by IP or Domain) → SpeedFusion Tunnel #2
Critical applications (Zoom. VPN, work etc) → SpeedFusion Tunnel #1
Default Priority Starlink #1, AT&T #2.

That allows all streaming services to only use Starlink (Netfilx, Amazon etc don’t like CoLo IP space) , Critical traffic has full redundancy, and the bandwidth maxing traffic uses what it can.

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@Paul_Mossip Wonderful! Thanks for helping me, I was indeed able to do it my way, It may not be the most optimal way but it works.

I used this video to guide me in the creation of another tunnel.

@Rokas_Musteikis Shared in another post the following domains for Twitch:

So I created an outbound policy rule for earch domain to redirect traffic to the Non smoothing + FEC tunnel and it works perfectly.
