WAN health check feature is just simple connection test tools to verify internet connectivity over the WAN connection. WAN health check failed mean the traffics sent from the WAN interface doesn’t get replied/responded. You can actually find the heath check stability - consecutive count by accessing to the support.cgi page.
Health check failure can be caused by the following:
1. Communication between Balance router and ISP router.
- ISP Router/Modem Hang issue
- Physical/Port Speeds (Auto Negotiation for interface/Port Speeds)
2. Communication between ISP router and Health check target.
- ISP service down
- ISP routing issue
3. Unreliable Health check target.
- Make sure health check target is not block the traffics.
- Make sure health check target is reliable
For more information, please refer to the attached diagram:
**For WAN health check failure troubleshooting **, usually you will need to isolate the possible issue that cause by the items 1,2,3 above.
- Make sure physical connection is fine
- Make sure interface/port speeds is defined for both end devices. This will isolate the auto negotiation issue.
- Disable WAN health check and monitor the internet connection status. If disabling health check, you also facing internet connection issue, this shown Internet is unstable.
- Put a host in between the WAN interface & ISP modem for isolation test.
- Changing using reliable health check Targets/Servers
- Others
Below are the sample test you can use to isolate the item 1 for the communication between Balance router and ISP router.
Thank You