I have an outbound policy that is an using the Enforced algorithm and it’s still goes out over the other WAN when the connection is down. I am still able to trace route from behind the Peplink out over the other WAN. I am hoping that someone can assist one here. Thank you.
Here is my policy.
Enable is checked
Source: ANY
DOMAIN NAME: fe-1d29-2b.coredial.com
Protocol: ANY
Enforced Connection
Do allow me to clarify questions below with you.
Who is the DNS server for the LAN clients?
Do you confirm fe-1d29-2b.coredial.com is the only domain when customer is accessing the website?
For example, when you browse www.youtube.com. There is other domains (Ytimg.com, Ytimg.l.google.com, Youtube.l.google.com, Googlevideo.com and i.google.com) are running back-end without your knowledge. Due to this, an Enforced rule with domain youtube.com only will not work. You may need to check with the vendor on all the related domains.