Backpack with battery for Max HD2 or Max HD4

Dear Support,
we have a request for backpack with battery to power a MAX HD2 or MAX HD4, have you had similar requests? if yes, could you tell me where we can take it ?


We have something to show you here in 3 weeks. This is something we have been working on for some time. The first version is designed for BR1 and MOTG but it can be easily modified to house a HD2 or HD4.

Can you tell me which industry is looking for this?

Is the backpack with battery power ready?, i need something like that for Max OTG


This is very interesting. Can’t wait to see what you have.

I have similar request for MOTG. waiting for the surprise alex :slight_smile:

Is there a COTS product/accessory that we can purchase? I have a couple of Max BR1s that I wish to be mobile.