B One Speedfusion / Primecare

If you purchase the B One with a one-time purchase and didn’t renew primecare, is there any (not-hot) failover with speedfusion vpn, or would there be no speedfusion failover if one wan went down without primecare?

Deep dive says:

Complete VPN Solution SpeedFusion VPN
• Site-to-Site VPN
• 256-bit AES Encryption
• Pre-shared Key Authentication
• Dynamic Routing
X.509 Certificate Support
IPsec VPN (Network-to-Network) ^
Remote User Access (PPTP/L2TP/OpenVPN)
^ Requires a PrimeCare subscription, complimentary for the first year.
IPsec VPN supports connection with Cisco, Juniper, Peplink, or Pepwave devices.

Data sheet says:
Speedfusion features: Hot Failover 1 / Smoothing 1 /
Bandwidth Bonding 1
1 Requires a PrimeCare subscription, complimentary for the first year.

So if you did a one time purchase and didn’t renew primecare, and were using speedfusion/pepvpn with two wans connected, and one wan went down, what would happen?


About your B-ONE primecare…

When you don’t renew the primecare of the device, the speedfusion will lost the
Hot Failover (1) / Smoothing (1) /Bandwidth Bonding (1)

The device will only use one wan at time… as a primary wan and stand-by wan.

On my current balance with speedfusion license, I currently have
WAN 1 in priority 1
WAN 2 in priority 2
and a check every 15 seconds.
Is this hot failover?

No, that’s not hot failover. That’s (what I would call) standard failover. Hot failover is using SpeedFusion to bond both connections in the same priority group (Priority 1).