B One - Impressive Capability with Incredible Value

The B One is based on the same platform (SoC) as the BR1 Pro 5G, it’s running the exact same firmware type, so seems to be ‘limited’ in the same way. The Balance 20X is running a different build which was only supported on a few models that used that same platform (SoC).

I hope it’s just a software limit that can be changed with a firmware update.

On a Balance 20X I can setup more than the specified 15 Remote User accounts, so I’m guessing the limit is only for concurrent connections but not sure if it’s a hard limit or a recommendation.

As the lowest model we are using is the B20X I’d need to setup 16 OpenVPN connections to test what happens, which is not easily tested from one client device…

Anyone with a B One (5G) that can test this out?