Automated config backup

Is there a mechanism where I can automatically perform Balance configuration backups to a LAN server via ftp, or to google drive, etc? Some of our other devices do this, and its quite useful. You don’t need a backup until the day you REALLY need it.

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If you are on InControl2 then go to your Device Details, click on “Show All” (to the right of the device name) and you’ll find “Configuration Backups Download …”
Click on “Download”
That’ll give you list of configuration dates (with files) for each time you changed the configuration.

Zegor, thanks but I’m asking to do this without Incontrol. This is getting to be a fairly common feature on network equipment.

Wow, holy crap! This is not only great but the historical changes make it amazing!

Yes that is a nice feature for sure. Only request I would have is some level of detail for each configuration update (example: “VLAN added” or “WAN priority change” etc etc for a quick glance recovery to a prior spot.)

You can do this via TFTP.

  1. Enable the SSH server & configure a SSH port on the Balance.
  2. SSH into the Balance using your admin credentials.
  3. system backup tftp <ip address of tftp server> <destination/path/to/backup/filename>

You may omit the filename, specifying just a path, and the default file naming convention will be used.

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Louis, thank you for the command line tip. Is there a modification to this command that will cause it to run itself on a periodic basis (lets say once a day, or once a week)?

Don, you would need to write a script to kick off the backup and then automate that script using your OS scheduler – cron, launchd, Task Scheduler, etc. There is no on-board scheduling for terminal/SSH/CLI tasks on the Balance that I’m aware of.

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