Auto Configuration of PepVPN

IC2 Team, I maybe missing something obvious here, but I really don’t get how to use the bulk configuration tool in InControl2 for my needs. Maybe its not been designed to do what I want - let me explain.

As a Managed Service provider I want to be able to apply a number of bulk configuration templates to a group of devices that performs specific actions on the devices in that group.

So for example, I want to apply a template that configures a PepVPN connection from my clients devices to my FusionHub. If these devices were my own and in my own organisation I could just tag them and use a PePVPN configuration profile, but they are in a different organisation to my FusionHub, so that’s not possible.

I’d also like to have a bunch of other templates for multiple custom outbound policies and firewall rules. That way depending on the customer device role, I could apply a template that configures the PepVPN, another that sets the outbound rules for the traffic types I want to send via the PepVPN connection and another that sets specific firewall settings.

In the end I’d have a toolbox of configuration templates that I could subsequently apply to my customers groups which when combined would achieve the desired final device configuraton, or I could just email my customers the templates and ask them to apply them if they don’t want to give me access to their incontrol organisation.

Is that kind of granular additive templating possible now? If not, is it something on the roadmap (and if not could we consider it)?

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