App-based selective SpeedFusion

Hi everyone,

On a Windows PC connected to a LAN port of Peplink Balance One Core with SF enabled:
I wish to route internet traffic of Chrome web browser and certain other apps to SF.
The rest of Windows apps, I wish to be routed normally in a load-balanced way (no SF)

Is this possible?


To redirect traffic you need to be able to identify it or its source or destination. Then you can create a policy that says send this identified traffic this way or that.

So you could setup a policy that says any https traffic from this IP address send via the SF tunnel. Or any traffic destined for send via the tunnel, or any traffic at all from devices connected to this WIFI network load balance.

The boring bit is that things like netflix or zoom or skype don’t always use servers that are easily identifiable. So it really does depend on what you are looking to identify to redirect.
Hope that helps.

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Dear Martin,

I did not forget to thank you for your time and guidance.
To be able to select which app in windows is allowed to go through the SF, a friend proposed the following:
1- Suppose my PC has two NIC.
2- Assign a separate IP address to each NIC.
3- Create 2 separate Grouped-Networks in Peplink web interface.
4- Allow the first group to access the internet normally and the 2nd one to go through SF
5- In my PC, using a proxy server, assign each desired App to go through a certain NIC.
6- For Chrome, either to follow your advice (per IP routing) or to run two different instances/installations of Chrome (or any other browser) and give one of them normal access, and the other one proxy access through the 2nd NIC. This way, let’s say to watch Netflix, I must load it in the 2nd browser…

Before trying all the above, I wanted to hear your comment and advice.
Thanks in advance.