API command for retrieving cellular signal

I’m trying to figure out which GET command to retrieve the WAN / Cellular signal strength. I’ve tried a few different ones listed in the api doc for 8.5 but none of the listed commands retrieve that info.

Any additional help is appreciated.


Maybe this help you.

okay, but theres no way to do it with the device directly, it has to be done through incontrol?


Looking here… I don’t find a solution… You are not the first that request this, directly to the device.

Peplink only provide solution, using IC2.

Maybe this will change with the next release of 8.5.x version?

okay, good to know.

i’m having zero luck with the incontrol API, not sure why but nothing is working. I’m also a bit new to this so its a bit challenging.

I will try, something simple, at monday… send here the result.

Have you try this?

Using IC2 api
Create a ID and password at IC2

  1. Login to InControl2
  2. In any organization/network/device overview, on the top right hand corner, click on your login email address before the “Sign out” link, that would bring you to account setting page.
  3. At the bottom of the page, there is a “Client Application” section, click on “New Client”
  4. Enter the name and checked “Enable”, other fields can be leave blank, then click “Save”
  5. Click on the application name that you just created, you should see “Client ID” and “Client Secret” at the bottom of the popup window

I download the sample script here. https://download.peplink.com/files/ic2/sample_ic2_api_client.sh

Edit the script and change the values of
client_id=" "
client_secret=" "

execute the script and works.
It is a simple sample, got from Peplink.

Result script at screen…
Listing all accessible organizations’ group names.

Groups under the organization: AT4

Groups under the organization: Anatel - testes


Thank you for this. I was able to make some progress over the weekend, but I’m still struggling with getting my refresh tokens to work. The short term token is a real problem (at least for me…) for hard coded programming. I’m working on the refresh token, but it’s giving me problems. I’m quite new to this stuff, so I’m trying to work through it.