AP One Mini's not reachable via Web or ping

I just replaced my older Balance 20 HW1 with a newer Balance 20 HW8 updated to 8.3.0. I have 2 AP AC Mini’s on the network that were previously working fine on the network. After swapping the routers I don’t see the AP’s showing up on the AP controller and I can not ping them or connect to either 80/443 on the web interface side. I’ve tried probing them for open ports and nothing comes up. I do see them on the Client List of the Balance 20. They are otherwise serving the network and working fine. Not sure why they stopped letting me manage them. Any ideas on how i can force them to reconnect to the AP controller?

If you uploaded the config from your HW1 device to the HW8 device it is probably not compatible.

I recommend to scrap that config and manually create a new one on the HW8 device. Also make sure the AC Mini’s are on the most current firmware as well.

Hey Tim,

Yes the HW8 Balance config was built from scratch rather than being upoaded. Learned that lesson in the past. Also, the AC Mini’s are HW1 f and were up to the latest firmware they can have as well. I’m stumped on this as I can see them in the available client list on the balance, yet I cannot access their web portals directly. They still keep functioning properly as AP’s with their existing config, just haven’t been able to get them to respond to the controller. They are all statically assigned IP’s. I even took one of them and did a factory reset and let it re-provision. I created an IP reservation, so it immediately picks up the same IP. I see it as a client but cannot ping it or get to the portal. NMAP scans indicate that the ports may be filtered even with an aggressive scan. It’s as if they are firewalled or rejecting access.

What port do they receive provisioning packets on?

This is strange, I just tested with our lab devices and I can see the AP will be registered to the AP Controller about a minute after it is connected to Balance 20 LAN port.

Devices tested:

  1. Balance 20 - HW7, firmware 8.2.1 & 8.3.0
  2. AP One AC Mini - HW1, firmware 3.6.3

The AP Controller and AP communicate via CAPWAP protocol, as explained in this article.

If you need further technical assistance, you may submit a ticket (and quote this post) for the team to check on it.