AP One AX Lite Password

Hi All

this is driving me mad. I have a MAX BR2 Pro 5G and an AP One AX Lite connected to it. I was trying to configure something in the AP. I could not for the life of me login. (I have config sync checked). I tried my password for the BR2 and default creds of public / admin.

I decided to try and do a soft reset. user guide is a joke, the red light never flashed twice. (not happy given premium prices and annual care costs.) Ended up doing a full reset, connecting to, and using the default creds. Was forced to change my password and it required 10 characters.

I then reset it again and plugged into main network (instructions from my vendor) and sure enough the BR2 discovered it, but I still cannot login with either my Br\R2 password or the default creds.

How on earth do I get into this thing? I paid premium prices for pepwave AP so it would be easier to manage, and I can’t even log in to the thing.

Does anyone have the decoder ring for accessing it?

I’m about top drop another $1000 on External AP and antennas, but I’m rethinking it now

OK, will answer my own question, as I found it right after submitting and I’m sure I’ll google this again.

Go to AP → Settings → Default →
Web Administration Settings (on External AP) here you’ll find user name and password

On the local device that works, but the easiest way to do it is via IC2. You can use IC2 to set admin password per-device (or per-group) automatically and then you can view them on the device status page.

Walkthrough of setting this up in IC2: https://support.llamanetworks.com/hc/en-us/articles/35943061914899-Basic-Peplink-Device-Security-using-InControl2

You can find the username and password on the left pane of the device status page in IC2:

Are you using your BR2 as a controller of AP-ONE?
Have you look at BR2, the password for APs that it have a controller over APs?

Dashboard > AP > Settings > Web Administration Settings (on External AP)