I am installing a Poynting XPOL-24 MIMO directional LTE antenna on my motorhome with a new B One 5G router. Is there a screen, app, or other method which can be used to display relative signal strength as an aid in orientating the antenna when setting up at new campgrounds?
Hi @n185ra,
One way to accomplish this would be to connect to the B One 5G via WiFi and login to the router’s GUI. Next to cellular, click on the IP address (if connected) and observe the info listed in the “Band” section of that pop out window. Close window, move antenna a smidge and open again.
If you are able to get to InControl 2, the Details link to the right of Cellular will show that data in near real time.
This sounds very hopeful. I have not visited those pages, and do have IC2 access.I will give it a try once i complete the physical installation and set up my first cell account/sim.
Directional antenna install on a motorhome has several special needs. I am sure all can be overcome.
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