Advanced location management feature in inControl

Currently we can see all device’s location in inControl map if they are able to send their coordinates using GPS. In our solution, several devices are co-located on very same mobile unit that has WAN access using HD4, accordingly also a GPS coordinates will be sent out and everything is OK, the device’s real time location is there.
But now we have to add there some AP One devices that will be connected via HD4, but managed via inControl. So, our topology is as follows:
AP One devices - > HD4 -> Cellular X -> Internet - inControl.
As we already have location information from HD4 and it is sent to inControl anyway, please add option to bind several registered and active devices logically together, so we should actually see HD4s coordinates when accessing AP One’s view in inControl. Also, a link to the parent device would be nice to have from this view.