Add WiFi Profiles to Balance 20X

Question about WiFi profile limitations for Balance 20X. I just added an AP to my Balance router, so now the AP settings reflect the internal WiFi, as well as the new external AP. Each AP has its own WiFi profile and its own set of WiFi options. I now wish to add a second external AP, meaning that I will create a total of 3 WiFi profiles. However the “clone” feature and add new profile have disappeared from the setup screen with no way to add a new profile. Am I running into a device limitation, or do I need to purchase a feature add-on?

Thank you,

The difficulty adding of a second external AP might be a firmware oversight? The first AP under management is “Default” in the AP—>Settings. (representing the internal WiFi). This page shows a clone option and also an “new profile” option. Adding the first external AP at this point is obvious. After the first external AP, the option to clone, AND the option to “add profile” are both gone from this page. Firmware mistake?
Thank you,

I might be misremembering but I think the 20X only had the basic AP controller not the “Pro” version like you get on the higher end models.

One of the main differences between the two versions of the AP controller was profile support.