Add ability to name SIM slots and append to WAN name

I can’t always remember which SIM is active, A or B, or if the system switches based on some rule, there is no way to tell unless going into the Cellular WAN details page. We have the ability to name the WAN, for me an example is “AT&T”. The feature request is to allow us to name each SIM with a default of “Sim A” and “Sim B”. But I should be able to name the sim slots and this is appended to the WAN name. When SIM A is active you would see in the Dashboard “AT&T SIM A” or if I named it Mobley then it would be “AT&T Mobley” and this tells me exactly which slot is in use. In the case of different carriers, this would be a great way to identify which carrier is in use by allowing SIM slot naming.


I agree this is a great suggestion.
I personally like the idea of naming the sim, but would prefer a seperate field rather then appending to the wan name. There are a lot of reports that utilize the name, that it may get confusing if the wan name were to change a lot.I would be fine with either appending the name , or a seperate field. I agree more visibility and naming the sim card slots would be great.

I’d also like the ability to drive changes to a wifi network name based on the active sim card.
So when I search for the wifi name, It might show an additional network name to show me what the active sim card is.
You could still have a wifi network name, with no changes, but you might also have one that says.
Keep wifi name the same regarless of active sim card in cell 1: Transit
If sim a active , wifi name: Transit-ATT
If sim b active, wifi name: Transit-TMO