
Do any Peplink products with WiFi WAN support 802.11h ?

@mystery, we are reviewing a similar request, do you mind sharing with us the model(s) that you have and the components/features in 802.11h (eg. DFS, TPC, CSA, etc) that you are expecting to be included in the Peplink products?

It’s a bit of an odd question to me, various functions of 802.11h are required for operation in large parts of the 5GHz spectrum in most regulatory domains. For instance, in the UK the regulator OFCOM mandates the use of TPC and DFS for anything in band B/C (what others will know as UNII-2/2e/3).

Is the real question “can my Peplink WiFi WAN connect to an AP operating on a DFS channel in country X”?

Support for CSA is helpful on the client side as it can help mitigate outages if the AP has to change channels because of a radar detection, but that also relies on the upstream infrastructure sending the announcements - I’ve seen plenty of APs that do not do this and simple change channel.

CSA I think. I might be misunderstanding 802.11h. I was reading something saying it is used to allow for seamless roaming between APs. For example, I am working with a client that has an already deployed Ruckus network and apparently Ruckus uses 802.11h for their seamless roaming. My understanding is the client must support it to be able to take advantage of it. So for example, if WiFi WAN on Peplink Devices is to be used, and the Peplink device is to take advantage of the seamless roaming from the Ruckus, the Peplink must support the protocol? Again, perhaps I am misunderstanding completely.

There’s no such thing as “seamless roaming” in the 802.11 standard, most enterprise vendors implement forms of authentication caching to allow devices to move quickly across APs when attached to the same controller which is often what they are referring to.

There are various 802.11 standard extensions centred around making roaming behaviour easier / better / more consistent but ultimately the client device chooses what to do, the infrastructure can only make suggestions, but 802.11h is not one of them - you’d be after 802.11k/v/r with 11r mostly being useful for when you are doing full 1X authentication over the air.

11h channel switch announcements (CSA) are certainly used in Ruckus APs though but that is more to do with telling the attached clients what channel the AP is moving to, for instance if its changing to avoid interference or to avoid a radar in 5GHz so that the associated stations know where to go, or can make some decision to join another BSS, that is again assuming the client device even pays attention to the CSAs and actions them.

PS - If you’re really interested in learning about this stuff I recommend getting hold of the CWNA study guides, particularly the CWAP (analysis) one as it covers a lot of the low level protocol stuff in great detail! :slight_smile:

Thanks. Yes, I think I am talking about CSA. We see some of the Ruckus equipment that was already in-place switching channels often that is causing a great number of noticeable disconnects on the Peplink WiFi WAN devices. My hope was if the Peplink devices can understand 802.11h CSA, that perhaps they wouldnt disconnect at all? Or the disconnects would be fewer/of less duration.

I’d ask yourself why the Ruckus APs are being so trigger happy at channel switching too, that may be also worth looking into and seeing if you can reign in the controller a little.

Yes, that is something that needs to be looked at. Its a complex environment. Outdoors. Lots of other neighboring APs from people’s homes and public wifi hotspots hanging from street poles. Mixed with a marina with lots of fiberglass boats and sailboats with masts. Something as simple as the wind blowing moves all the boats and trees. Trying to clean things up, get better LoS, and tune configurations.