8.4.0 & FusionHub - "Route SpeedFusion VPN traffic to LAN" function broken

As per title - all Speedfusion traffic is routed to WAN even when “Route SpeedFusion VPN traffic to LAN” function is checked and an appropriate gateway on LAN is entered.

Anyone else come across this?

Hi, I also had a problem after updating FusionHub to 8.4.0. No Traffic to LAN. So I restartet with the older Version again. That did fix it for the Moment. But I can’t upgrade FusionHub.
On all my MBX Devices 8.4.0 is working fine.

I have the same issue
8.1.3 works fine

I run 8.3.0 and it is working. 8.4.0 has the VPN to lan issue.

With what virtualisation plattform are you running FuionHub?
We are using VM Ware. From my Supplyer I know that 8.4.0 is running on HyperV. But on VM Ware we’re having the VPN to LAN problem.

I managed to reproduce here. Let me check with the relevant team. Please reboot to the previous version for the time being.


Glad to hear. Have moved back to the previous version for now.

I ran further testing - all VPN traffic appears to be routing to the WAN interface instead of LAN.

Hi all,

Here you go for the fix - https://download.peplink.com/firmware/fusionhub/fw-fusionhub_sfcn-8.4.0s035-build5178.bin




Get Access Denied when clicking on download.



Remove the " . " dot… at the end of the line… will be fine…


I did update FusionHub to 8.4.0s035-build5178. For me the VPN to LAN issue is solved and so far everything works fine.
Thank you for the fast problem solving.