7.1.0 to 8.0.0 upgrade

Can some body help with next problem

After Pepwave MAX HD4 was upgraded to 8.0.0 from 7.1.0 I can’t recieve access to managemet interface.

When I try to connect https://<ip_or_dnsname>/ device redirect me to https://<ip_or_dnsname>/cgi-bin/MANGA/index.cgi but I don’t recieve login form
I recieve ‘404 Not Found’ error page from nginx…


Please open a support ticket for support team to check.

Thank You
Sit Loong

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FYI I just reproduced this (by acciden!t) by attempting to go to httpS:// when I had not enabled SSL/HTTPS. I was able to log in by manually deleting the S and putting in just http://.

Hope this helps someone in the future.