2nd wireless login and password

I recently had a Whole House Generator installed. Thank Goodness we lost power twice during the recent storms. Once for 22+ hours. The Generace wanted a wireless loging and password to use to notify me of the generator status. I was reluctant to give it my wifi login and password.

Is there a best way to create a 2nd login and password, or should I creat a guest nework and have it use that?

You might consider advertising a separate β€œIOT” wireless network SID and put the generator on that. Depending on your networking gear, also put the IOT network on a different VLAN that is configured with firewall rules to have Internet access rights (if needed) and only limited rights to access your main internal network. (e.g. allow established TCP sessions from your main network into the IOT VLAN plus any specific IP:Port pair traffic you want to allow to be initiated by the generator). This same IOT network could be used for other devices you might have such as smart thermostats, Apple TV, Alexa, etc

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